
Children Ministry Leadership

Pst Daniel Nzyoka - Nthungoni


Pst Winfred Kung'u - Syiluni


Pst Jedidah Kyalo - Mavindu


Pst John Nzuki - Syiluni


Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Sunday School Vision

We envision to promote continual spiritual and doctrinal growth as we engage Sunday School teachers in training, teaching, and discipleship to our children.

Sunday School Mision

We exist to nurture and mentor children to develop a sense of spiritual growth that will change them to adopt a Christ-like attitude that will enable them to influence people within their environment positively

Children Ministry Objectives

  • Develop a Children’s Ministry that is equipped with trained teachers, who in turn will train children in what they should learn in a graded setup.
  • Address their spiritual needs by raising them up to be God-fearing children who desire to enter into a deep relationship with Christ and God’s word.
  • Engage children in biblical studies that are interesting and are doctrinally correct with a mind of preparing them to be aware of a world that is increasingly changing to be ungodly.
  • Equip our children with Biblical knowledge necessary to overcome trails they face from day to day at their level.
  • Inspire them into loving God and His word with all of their hearts, mind, and soul.
  • Inspire them into learning the art of service, as well as becoming aggressive in offering their service to the Lord at their tender age, and not to be bench warmers in the church