Pst. Peter Musau- Chairman

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Pastor Peter Musau is the Founder of Word Believing Church (WBC). dedicated and able teacher of the word of God and highly respected for his consistent and undivided commitment to the ministry ReadMore..

Eric Mutuku- Treasurer



Eric Mutuku is Treasurer in the apostolic council.
Accountant by profession
Born Again Christian
Gifted in teaching the word and soul winning

Pst. Michael Mwendwa- Secretary



Pastor Michael Mutuku is a believer in christ jesus.nA husband of one wife, Mrs. Dorcas Mbatha and a father of two Daughters ,Pendo and Amani.Currently am serving as the pastor of WBC-Kikuyu branch.

Jackline Peter- Member



Jackline Peter is a  born again Christian.  Married to Peter Musau and a teacher by profession.