
The process of registering WBC legally started in 2012.This process involved meeting all the legal requirements as per the Kenya Societies Act.On 13th May 2014, the process was finally completed and the church was officially registered as a society with three office bearers as shown below

Serial No Name Occupation Designation
1 Peter Musau Moses Engineer Chairman
2 Eric Mwongela Mutuku Accountant Treasurer
3 Philip Kyalo Mule Pharmacist Secretary

In 2016, PhilipKyalo Mule was replaced as the secretary by Michael Mwendwa Mutuku and the office bearers remain so till to date


Word Believing Church (WBC) held her first service in 1st December 2013 in Kikuyu Town, Javanjee Gardens; with only Pastor Peter, His wife Jackline and their young son Prince in attendance. Later in the month, a couple of brethren joined them and held a service in Flodin Hotel, Kikuyu Town. This was before the process of legal registration was fully finalised

Later the founding minister acquired own residential rented house where the church met the whole of January 2014.  The church grew, by the grace of God; both Spiritually, Numerically and Financially.

From February 2014, the Church moved to a rented tent in the upper part of the building hosting Kikuyu Mara opposite Kikuyu Post Office. The Church remained there for Five Months, holding only the Sunday Services.

Later in June 2014, the ministry moved to Lower Kikuyu Town (Makutano) and moved once again in March 2015 to a larger premise as a result of numerical increase.


“To equip the saint for the work of Minstry” Ephesians 4:11


“To train and equip the saint for the work of ministry through evangelism, constant teaching and study of the word, devotion into prayer and accountability through service and fellowship.”

  • Teaching of sound doctrine–Titus 2:1 ; Matt.28:20
  • Prayer – Acts 2:42
  • Fellowship-Acts 2:42
  • Accountability –Heb 10:24-25
  • Evangelism and outreach- Mark 16:15;  2 Timothy 4:5
  • Discipleship – Matt. 28:18-20
  • Youth ministry
  • Men’s and women fellowship
  • Praise and worship
  • Outreach and evangelism
  • Village fellowships
  • Sunday school